
Laundry Room Countertop

The laundry room needed a counter. I had quite a few requirements:

  • It needed to go over the washer and dryer, and all the way to the left and back wall
  • I wanted a smooth, clean surface where I could fold laundry
  • It needed to be easily removable for cleaning, or to shut off the water valves
  • I needed to be able to build it myself, and keep it as inexpensive as possible
The laundry room before the counter was built.

The laundry room before the counter was built.

I wanted the counter to sit as low as possible, but there were a couple challenges. There was an electrical outlet at the exact height where the counter would meet the wall. And the water shut-off valves were just above the height of the washing machine. The water valves couldn’t be moved, but the electrical outlet could, so I had a handy friend move the outlet up about 4-inches, and patch up the hole where the old outlet was. You can see the patch in the photos, as I haven’t touched up the paint yet. more

Fireplace Cover

The finished Fireplace Cover

The finished Fireplace Cover

I needed to build a cover for my fireplace, to keep the warm air from escaping up the flue. It gets drafty in my house come wintertime, which is probably to be expected given its age. It was built in 1938 and has lathe and plaster walls, old single-pane double-hung windows, and gorgeous oak hardwood floors throughout. Old homes come with quirks and idiosyncrasies, and mine is no exception. In the case of the fireplace, it’s two biggest issues are that it doesn’t draw well and the flue doesn’t open properly. more